Coronavirus/COVID-19 Updates

COVID-19 Information

The health and safety of our patients and staff remain at the center of what we do.

We are committed to providing you with the COVID-19 information from experts on our staff, protections in place here at HFSC and resources for additional information to keep you and your family safe.


Please visit the State of Connecticut website to learn more about vaccination eligibility, options to register for a vaccine, and other news and updates. Vaccination is the best way to keep yourself and your community safe.

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Visitor Guidelines

Updated guidelines effective November 1st. Our visitation guidelines keep our patients and community safe. Guidelines may change at any time to ensure patient safety. Your continued patience and cooperation is greatly appreciated. If you have a scheduled outpatient visit, will be visiting a patient in compliance with our guidelines, or are an approved vendor/contractor, you are welcome to visit our campus.

Visitor Guidelines

Stay Safe

With proper precautions, you can protect yourself, your family, your communities, and our patients. You must wear a mask at a Hospital for Special Care facility, regardless of vaccination status.

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Updated Visiting Guidelines

Please review our visiting guidelines that are effective starting November 1, 2022. Visiting hours have been updated.

Telehealth Appointments

Depending on your needs you may request a telehealth appointment in place of an office visit. You can request a telehealth appointment in the Outpatient Clinic at 860-827-4924 and in Outpatient Rehab Therapies at 860-832-6258. Learn more about telehealth here.

Requesting Medical Records

We strongly encourage individuals requesting medical records to submit the request via fax at 860-827-4811 or email at Detailed instructions, such as required information to include with the request, may be found on the Medical Records section of our website.

How You Can Help

You can help us overcome the most challenging time in our history as we begin to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. If you’d like to help rebuild lives by making a monetary donation, visit here.


Stories of Recovery

During the height of the pandemic, HFSC cared for patients severely impacted by COVID-19 who required intensive rehabilitation. Meet some of those patients below.

Hector Laureano

Hector, a mental health worker, understands better than most that every person in a hospital is a part of the patient care experience.

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Joe Pandolfe

Joe spent 42 days in the hospital fighting the effects of COVID-19. He said it was the happiest day of his life to be reunited with his family.

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Michael Kelly

Michael was the first patient to be discharged from our COVID-19 recovery unit. Staff sent him home with a celebration.

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Helpful Resources