Policy & Practices

Notice of Privacy Practices

Hospital for Special Care is required by law to maintain the privacy of your health information.

Download the full Notice of Privacy Practices – English  Español  Polski

Health Information Exchange

In addition to the ways we use and disclose your medical information as described in our Notice of Privacy Practices, Hospital for Special Care also participates in the Connecticut Health Information Exchange (Connie) to share your medical records with other providers that are involved in your treatment.  The privacy of your records will continue to be protected and only shared as permitted or required by law.  Participation in Connie is required by law and supports continuity of your care and efficiency by allowing all of your providers to view your records (such as medications you received at HFSC, test results to avoid unnecessary duplicate testing, and other clinical data).

You Have the Right to Opt-Out – If you do not want Connie to receive and share your records, you must contact Connie directly.  (Go to https://conniect.org/for-patients/opt-out/ to find instructions for opting out by phone (1-866-987-5514), fax (1-443-817-9587), email (help@conniect.org), mail or filling out an online form.  FAQs are available at https://conniect.org/faq/.

Even if you opt-out, there are exceptions and Connie will still process data as may be required by other law (such as public health reporting).

Patient Rights

As a patient, you have the right to

  • Receive information, in a language and manner that you understand.
  • Participate in your care planning and discharge planning.
  • Accept or refuse medical treatment that is offered at the Hospital, including opioids.
  • Receive appropriate assessment and management of pain.
  • Agree or refuse to participate in clinical research.
  • Access protective services and federally-funded patient advocacy programs.
  • Communicate with persons of your choice, in forms of communication of your choosing.
  • Have or refuse to have visitors, including virtual visitation, in accordance with Hospital policy.
  • Allow a family member, friend or other designated individual to be present unless this individual’s presence conflicts with Hospital policy.
  • Have a physician of your choice, family member or other individual/representative notified of your admission.
  • Receive a clear explanation of your rights when transfer to another room or unit is necessary, or upon transfer to another facility, or discharge.
  • Exercise your rights as a patient and a citizen without interference, coercion, discrimination or reprisal.
  • Be treated in a safe setting, free of abuse, neglect, mistreatment, or any form of restraint/seclusion that is not needed to treat their medical symptoms or is used as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience or retaliation.
  • Receive care that is provided with consideration of personal privacy to the greatest extent possible.
  • Use your personal clothing and possessions as long as they do not infringe upon the rights of other patients or are considered medically inadvisable.
  • Wear religious or other symbolic items, as long as they do not interfere with diagnostic procedures, treatments, other patients, or staff.
  • Confidential treatment of your medical records, in accordance with state and federal law.
  • Restrict access to your medical information by individuals that are not authorized Hospital staff or that are not directly involved in your care, payment for your care and/or discharge planning.
  • Have access to an interpreter, free of charge, if English is not your primary language. Be provided with auxiliary aides/assistive devices if you have a visual, speech, hearing, or cognitive impairment, free of charge.
  • Your family or legally authorized representatives will be able to exercise the rights and responsibilities that are described in this packet on your behalf.

Download the full Patient Rights and Responsibilities – English  Español  Polski

Patient Responsibilities

Our efforts to provide a safe environment and support high-quality healthcare requires a cooperative effort between us and you. As a patient at Hospital for Special Care, you have the responsibility to:

  • Participate actively in your care plan and the discharge planning process.
  • Tell your care provider or doctor as much as you can about your symptoms and health-related complaints, medical history, prior hospitalizations and medications.
  • Inform your doctors and nurses of changes in your medical condition or unexpected health problems.
  • Ask questions when you do not clearly understand instructions or goals related to your care and treatment.
  • Follow your recommended treatment plan, or accept the consequences of your actions if you refuse treatment or do not follow instructions regarding your medical care.
  • Arrive on time for any outpatient appointments. Notify the clinic ahead of time if you cannot make a scheduled appointment.
  • Provide copies of any advance directives or legal documents authorizing another person to make healthcare decisions for you.
  • Follow Hospital policies and procedures, including those related to infection control practices, a smoke-free environment, illegal/unapproved substances or medications, and alcohol usage.
  • Follow all Hospital visitation policies and rules of the patient care unit related to patient/visitor conduct. This includes assisting in control of the behavior of your visitors and the control of noise.
  • Respect the rights of other patients and Hospital personnel at all times.  This includes, but is not limited to, personal rights to privacy and freedom from harassment or offensive behavior of any kind, such as
    • Aggressive or violent behavior, physical assaults, threats (verbal and non-verbal), or abusive language
    • Discriminatory language
    • Language or actions that may be perceived as sexual harassment
  • Respect the privacy rights of other patients, visitors and Hospital staff. Use of a cell phone, camera or any other device to take or share photos (or any other type of digital image, streaming or audio recording) of other individuals, without their prior specific consent, is prohibited.
  • Meet any financial obligations associated with your care promptly and as agreed to with the Hospital.

Also in Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Download the full Patient Rights and Responsibilities. If you have questions or wish to express a concern, please speak with your case manager, any hospital staff, or contact the Quality Department at 860-827-1958 ext. 5812 for non-urgent issues and leave a message. For specific concerns regarding auxiliary aids, physical accommodations or language assistance, please call the Hospital’s Communications Coordinator at 860-989-9717.

Financial Policies

Our Patient Account Representatives are here to help you and your family with your healthcare billing and financials. Please visit Billing and Financial Services for more information.

Requesting Medical Records

We respect and treat your privacy seriously when handling confidential patient medical information. Please visit Medical Records for more information.
(You may use the authorization for release of information form for your convenience)

Nondiscrimination Notice

Translation Services