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Manes & Motions Therapeutic Riding Center Awarded Grant from the Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism

February 3, 2022

NEW BRITAIN, CT – Manes & Motions Therapeutic Riding Center, an affiliate of Hospital for Special Care, has received a grant from the Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism. grant funds will support expanded access to therapeutic riding and equine assistive services to individuals living with autism. Equine-assisted activities, led by PATH International Certified instructors and trained volunteers, help individuals with autism reach personal goals and reinforce goals established by educators and therapists.


“Working with horses helps individuals with autism improve core strength, gross and fine motor control and communication skills in a fun and low-stress way,” says Lauren Herlihy, PhD, director of autism psychology, “We are thankful to the Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism for investing in Manes & Motions so more individuals living with autism can benefit from this unique service.”

“Riders living with autism benefit immensely from the relationships they develop with our horses, instructors, volunteers and their peers,” said Jeanna Pellino, Manes & Motions program coordinator.  “We’re excited to be able to expand access in the months ahead.”

The Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism, based in Framingham, MA, awards grants annually through a competitive application and review process. The signature grants that the Flutie Foundation distributed this year support traditionally under-served, under-funded, culturally diverse communities reflected in the Foundation’s areas of interest, providing a path for educational and vocational skills, supporting recreational and active lifestyles, and ensuring people with autism are safe, supported and informed.

“The Flutie Foundation Signature Grants help our partner agencies address a variety of significant needs in the autism community,” says Nick Savarese, Executive Director of The Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism. “Programs like these are helping people on the autism spectrum live life to the fullest and we are proud to support their efforts.”


Media Contacts

  • Hollie Randall
    Social Media and Marketing Communications Manager
    [email protected]

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